
  1. We’ve been on a journey of discovery this season.
  2. Our discoveries are amazing to us, and we have learned a lot this year.
  3. We have grown stronger in core values throughout the year.
  4. Team is the most important thing.


  1. We take our ideas everywhere we go.
  2. We bring our own water bottles to practice, so we don’t use paper cups.
  3. We learned to use Google docs for taking notes instead of using paper.
  4. We learned to work well in groups here and in school.
  5. We teach others to work as a team and to solve problems logically.


  1. The team members who’ve been on the team longer taught the newer ones what they knew about programming, building, teamwork, everyday knowledge.
  2. We get everyone’s opinions before making big decisions.
  3. We break down big decisions into smaller ones for easier group decision making.
  4. We break up into smaller groups and rotate to get things done more efficiently and to make sure everyone is included in every aspect of FLL.
  5. We grow stronger as a team every time we do core values.


  1. We built the game models that the judges and coaches were trained on.
  2. We built the game models for the tournament.
  3. We suggested that the tournament put documents online – instead of printing everything out for the teams.
  4. We try our best to listen to each other’s ideas before we think about what we want to say.


  1. We earn gumballs for trying hard, working well together.
  2. When our gumball jar is full, we get a dessert night.
  3. We get gumballs for bringing new ideas to meetings.
  4. We also answer brain teaser riddles for gumballs, which are fun.
  5. We say “We” instead of “I”.
  6. We like practicing Core Values Challenges.